
Maul in the Mall Prep - Space Wolves vs 2+ save Blood Angels

So after Stormcrow faced 3 armies with 2+ saves against 3 different opponents, we decided to tweak his list a little and put it up against 10 Blood Angel terminators with storm shields.



2000 Tournament List - Coriscan 523rd

Not to be outdone by Stormcrow, I present my tournament list:


Company Command Squad(175)
3xPlasma Guns, Plasma Pistol, Regimental Standard, Chimera

Primaris Psyker(70)

Veteran Squad(155)
3xMeltaguns, Chimera

Veteran Squad(155)
3xMeltaguns, Chimera

Veteran Squad(200)
3xGrenade Launchers, Demolitions, Carapace, Chimera

Veteran Squad(145)
3xFlamers, Demolitions, Carapace


2000 Tournament List-Steel Wolves

Steel Wolves-2000 Pts

Bjorn= Plasma Cannon-270
Run Priest= Chooser of the Slain, Wolf Tail Talisman, Jaws of the World Wolf, Storm Caller-115
Dreadnought= Twin Linked Lascannon, Heavy Flamer-145
Dreadnought= Twin Linked Lascannon, Heavy Flamer-145
Long Fangs x6= 5 Missile Launcher, Lazorback-215
Long Fangs x6= 5 Missile Launcher, Lazorback-215
Long Fangs x6= 5 Missile Launcher, Lazorback-215
Grey Hunter x5= Meltagun, Las/Plasmaback-115
Grey Hunter x 8= Meltagun, Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard, Rhino-185
Grey Hunter x 7= Meltagun, Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard, Rhino-170
Grey Hunter x 7= Meltagun, Mark of the Wulfen, Wolf Standard, Rhino-170


Assembling the War Machine

So I've stumbled upon a list that works amazingly well. It abuses 48 inch range and uses the Space Wolf Codex to draw every last bit of flexibility and....cheapness. Tons of firepower at 48 inches, lots of Grey Hunters everywhere, and more missiles than I know what to do with. Plus, with Bjorn, I get a great chance of going first (unless Justin BoxerSaint seizes the initiative like always.)

Needless to say, I'll be taking this list to the tourney next month and I'm going to be converting some rifleman dreadnoughts for the next week. I'll post pics when I get them assembled.

I need a good name for my army, which I'll post up here tomorrow.


11 Units in 6 Weeks

July 23rd, 2011
Maul in the Mall
2000 points of Blood Angels
11 Units
6 Weeks
1 Man

Alea iacta est