Greetings! This weekend (7/23/11) Boxersaint, Legendary Gannon, and I drove up to Cleveland, TN to attend "Maul in the Mall!" The three of us brought, respectively, Imperial Guard, Orks, and Space Wolves. We had a great time, and Boxersaint won all of his games! I decided to take most of the pictures, so I suppose I'll be writing battle reports for my games. But before we dive in, here's my army, which I'm proud of considering this is my third month playing a table top game and first time ever assembling and painting an army.
Here's my list:
Bjorn with a Plasma Cannon
Rune Priest - Living Lightning and Storm Caller, w/Chooser of the Slain
2xDreadnoughts with TLLascannons and heavy flamers
3xWolf Guard(2xw/Combi-plasma, 1xw/Combi-melta and power fist)
9xGrey hunters(Mark of the Wulfen and Wolf standard, and 1xMelta gun) in a Rhino
5xGrey hunters w/1xplasma gun in a LasPlas Razorback
5xGrey hunters w/1xplasma gun in a LasPlas Razorback
5xGrey hunters w/1xFlamer
6xLong fangs w/5xMissile launchers, in a TLLC Razorback
6xLong fangs w/5xMissile launchers, in a TLLC Razorback
6xLong fangs w/5xMissile launchers, in a TLLC Razorback
So anyway, on to the tournament! My first opponent was Michael, an experienced IG player with a solid list which was very well painted and themed!
His list as follows:
5th Explorator Fleet: Tech-Guard Detachment
Lord Commissar
Company Commander
Veteran Weapons Team
Master of Ordnance
Infantry Platoon with one autocannon (thee of these)
Special Weapons Squad with two meltaguns and a flamer
Heavy Weapon Squad with three lascannons (two of these)
Veteran Squad of 10 with three meltaguns (two of these) in a Chimera (two of these)
Psyker Battle Squad in a Chimera
Two Vendettas
Bane Wolf
Two Leman Russ Executioners
The mission: Pitched battle with first and 6th turn night fighting with table quarters as primary. Secondary is Kill Points, and tertiary is getting units into deployment zones.
We roll off and we immediately have a rules dispute. I know he wants to go first and alpha strike. I lose the roll and re-roll with Bjorn's "ancient tactician." I roll into a tie and we roll again. I lose yet again and try to re-roll again, and win. He says I can't re-roll three times, but I claim the tie negates it and it's as if we never rolled. I know the INAT FAQ (which Shane, the TO, uses) clarifies that I can indeed to this, but nobody has it pulled up and the judges don't know for sure, but they do come over and say if the INAT says so that's what we'll go by. However, nobody wants to take time to look it up and I don't have it printed up. I give him the roll and he deploys first. I'm here to have fun and meet new people, not argue.
For reference, here it is:
"SW.49B.01 – Q: If Bjorn uses ‘Ancient Tactician’ to reroll
the dice to go first, and that re-rolled result is a
tie between the players. When the players roll yet
again to determine who goes first, can ‘Ancient
Tactician’ now be used again?
A: Yes it can [clarification]." (Page 92).
Sigh. Next tournament I'm printing off all of my army's INAT FAQ as well.
Anyway, he deploys in typical castling IG fashion in a corner. I reserve my 5 man flamer squad and a rhino with 10 GH/Wolf Guard.
That's the only time I'll roll that high this game, by the way. SPOILER ALERT!
I think about it and deploy far away in the corner and make him come to me, hoping he'll do so (even though it's table quarters). His executioners are only 36 inch range, so I know he'll have to drive up. I put Bjorn and his Dreadnought bodyguards across the table behind a building; a mistake as it turns out. Bjorn is notoriously hard to kill, but this game was so messed up luck-wise that it didn't matter.
Anyway, I get pounded first turn and he runs right at me, like I hoped. I still have five twin linked lascannons, two regular lascannons, and 15 missiles ready to rock, so no big deal!
I'd like to think that even someone who has never played before could at least get more kills than that with 7 lascannon shots (5 twin linked), 12 plasma shots(four combi plasma), and two melta shots(one combi melta), plus 15 missiles a turn if I need. Even if I line up and shoot and never move I should at least have a few more kill points. My dice were just atrocious that round, and was perhaps the worst game I've ever had luck-wise. He told me he is rolling better than he usually does. I'm like Castellan Crowe (buff my enemies and debuff myself). Mike was still a nice guy, and his army was really nicely painted. I would rather have played a non-IG army since that's mostly what I face at home from Boxersaint, but it was still an enjoyable experience. Oh-there were at least 8 IG players a the tournament. Whee!
Stay tuned for my other two games. Sneak Peek: My brand new dice decide to start working and my luck averages out and even goes my way a few times the next two games!
Very bad luck that round. Not much you can do against that.